Harnessing the Power of the Ocean: Wave-Powered Desalination for Water-Scarce Coastal Communities

Jasmine Suri
4 min readMay 16, 2023


Riding the Wave of Sustainable Development

Nature has a peculiar way of juxtaposing the abundant with the scarce, and nowhere is this paradox more evident than in the picturesque havens of islands and coastal communities. Encircled by vast expanses of water, these regions are often plagued with daunting challenges of freshwater security for their inhabitants. In a cruel irony, the only way for these communities to make use of this inexhaustible resource is to undergo the costly and energy-intensive process of desalination, an economically and environmentally unsustainable undertaking.

However, amidst this irony, a promising solution emerges: wave powered desalination.

With newly emerging wave energy technologies, coastal communities can now harness the boundless power of the ocean to convert seawater into freshwater, beginning a new era of sustainability and resilience. One in three people currently lack access to fresh drinking water, and wave-power technology has the potential to break the chains of water scarcity.

Understanding Wave Energy & Desalination Techniques

The convergence of wave energy and desalination technologies has unlocked a momentous solution that addresses two critical global challenges: clean energy generation and freshwater security. Traditional desalination techniques, such as reverse osmosis, typically require large amounts of fossil fuel-generated energy to power high-pressure pumps. However, by coupling desalination with wave energy, we can harness a clean and renewable energy source to power the process.

The Mechanisms Behind Reverse Osmosis (Puretec Industrial Water)

Waves are a near-limitless resource, making them an ideal power source for desalination systems in coastal areas. The kinetic energy of ocean waves can be captured using a variety of mechanisms, such as oscillating water columns or wave-activated floats, wherein mechanical energy is converted into electrical power through generators (click here to learn more). By leveraging wave energy, we can provide a sustainable and cost-effective means of producing freshwater, reducing the environmental impact associated with conventional desalination methods and making the method an economically viable option for remote communities.

Desalination Plant System (Resolute Marine Energy, Inc.)

Wave20: A Success Story

Resolute Marine Energy has spent the last few years working tirelessly to develop new wave-powered desalination technology. The technology, called Wave2O, has been tested in North Carolina and is set to be launched in Cape Verde, an archipelago suffering from severe water scarcity.

Cape Verde currently relies on expensive diesel-electric desalination systems for 85% of its water supply, leading to sky-high water costs. Wave2O offers a more cost-effective solution, potentially reducing water costs by nearly three-quarters! With its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, Cape Verde possesses excellent potential for wave energy utilization, and the implementation of Wave20 technology can help meet the freshwater demands of local populations all while promoting sustainable development.

Many Caribbean islands, coastal North American, African, and Middle Eastern communities all struggle with limited freshwater supplies, relying heavily on costly and environmentally damaging water imports. Wave20 is a lifeline that offers a decentralized and sustainable solution, empowering communities and nations to take control of their freshwater supply and safeguard their future.

Resolute Marine Energy believes that Wave2O has the potential to positively impact hundreds of millions of people globally, particularly those in dire need of access to clean water. Learn more about their work here.

Troubled Waters: The Challenges of Wave Energy

Despite its immense potential, the journey towards widespread adoption of wave energy as a means to increase freshwater security is riddled with challenges. One of the primary obstacles is the harsh and unpredictable nature of the marine environment. Waves can be incredibly powerful and destructive, posing a significant threat to submerged devices. Designing and engineering structures that can withstand the relentless forces of the ocean is both complex and costly, and their installation and maintenance require specialized vessels and equipment.

Moreover, the variable nature of wave energy poses challenges for grid integration and energy storage. Especially in the context of providing a steady freshwater supply, consistent power generation is essential. Regardless of these hurdles, continuous research and development continue to address these issues and develop new solutions as this technology makes its way to the spotlight.

A Wave of Hope

Desalination through wave energy holds incredible promise for coastal communities grappling with water scarcity. By capitalizing on the abundant wave energy available in coastal areas, we can address the pressing issue of water scarcity while promoting sustainable development. In the near future, we may stumble upon a world where beaches are not only a place for relaxation but also the birthplace of sustainable solutions, where we can toast with a glass of cool, crystal clear wave-powered desalinated water.

Works Cited

“Eco Wave Power — Wave Energy Company.” Eco Wave Power, www.ecowavepower.com/.

Puretec Industrial Water. “Puretec Industrial Water | What Is Reverse Osmosis?” Puretecwater.com, 2012, puretecwater.com/reverse-osmosis/what-is-reverse-osmosis.

Resolute Marine Energy, Inc. “Wave2OTM — Solar Impulse Efficient Solution.” Solar Impulse Foundation, 2021, solarimpulse.com/solutions-explorer/wave2o.



Jasmine Suri

Dr. Jasmine Suri is earned her Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering from a prestigious institution, where she specialized in marine renewable energy systems.